Client Programs
What is a Client Program?
A client program is a program which sits on your computer which allows you to connect to a mush easily. There are lots and lots of different client programs out there. Choosing one that is right for you depends on your personal taste, and the things you would like to be able to do with it. As well as the type of computer you are using. There are lots of different MU Client Programs for different platforms of computers. Windows, Macs and Unix-Based machines all have different programs which allow you to connect to a Mush.
If your a first time user, and on a Windows Operating System, a simple client program like MushClient, or SimpleMU might be best for you. However, if you’re familiar with the workings of computers, perhaps something like Pueblo or Zmud might be more to your taste. Here will shall try to list what client programs there are for the various platforms, and give you an idea about each of them.
This is not a complete list, but a list of client programs most commonly used and most popular. If there are any that you like, and wish to be included in this list, please send a description of the program, a list of features, and a webpage address and we’ll be happy to include it.
Client Programs available by Platform
Available Lists are:
List of Client Programs for the Macintosh Platform
Product Name | Product Description |
Rapscallion |
Savitar | A software application designed to connect people using Macintosh computers to MUVE (Multi-User Virtual Environment) servers. Available features are:

List of Client Programs for the Unix-Based Platforms
Product Name | Product Description |
TinyFugue | TinyFugue is the most popular client for Unix Machines, and probably the best MU* client there is. It’s sheer power and features make it worth learning. There are sources for Win32, MacOS, OS/2 and other operating systems. But it was designed and works best on Unix-Based MAchines. Most of the features found in most MU* Clients can be found in TinyFugue. But these features usually have to be configured and turned on. Some of these are:
Kmud | Kmud is a free graphical mud client for Linux and other Unix platforms running KDE. It is an useful and easy to use program for all people who want a nice graphical interface instead of a simple telnet for playing MUDs. The goal is to be the best mud client for Linux/Unix. Kmud is published under the GNU General Public License. Kmud fully integrates to your KDE Desktop. Thus your KDE settings for all applications also apply to Kmud and it has a common user interface. But or course you can use Kmud when running a different desktop environment, too.
Mark’s MUd CLient | Mmucl (pronounced muckle) is a mud client written in Tcl and distributed under the Gnu General Public License. Mmucl has three different interfaces, two of which are unix specific and one of which is platform independent.
mcl – Mud Client for Unix | mcl is a MUD Client for Unix. Under Linux, it uses the Virtual Console interfaces to access the screen at a high speed, but it can also run in a TTY mode, allowing it to run under any other UNIX and in an xterm. Embedded language support (currently Python and Perl) allows high tweakability.
Tintin++ | Tintin++ is probably one of the most popular clients for Muds and has seen versions created for Windows 95/98/NT there is also a Tintin++ with MSP Support. |

List of Client Programs for the Windows 3.1 Platform
Product Name | Product Description |
Mudsock | A client for Windows 3.1, Mudsock works like a telnet program only with enhancements that make mudding a little easier. Some of it’s features are:

List of Client Programs for Windows 32-bit Platforms
Product Name | Product Description | |
Fire Client | Fire Client is the MUD client of the future. Using a custom specification called IMP (Interactive Mudding Protocol), Fire Client works solidly not only as a MUD client, but as a multimedia client as well. Fire Client allows you to setup elaborate triggers, create shortcuts with aliases, store values to variables, send and view images, audio clips, record your own macros, switch between different fonts midline to beautify the MUD, click on links on the MUD screen w/IMP enabled, have easy access to a custom history file, and choose from a list of great MUD’s to start on! Whether you’re a novice to MUDs or a seasoned veteran, Fire Client will never cease to amaze with it’s many features and customizations. Here’s a brief overview of the primary features:
Mud Master |
MUSHClient | Now with Version 3, MUSHclient is over twice as fast as its nearest competitor. MUSHclient is a fast MUD / MUSH / MUCK / MOO client for Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT, and Windows 2000. Written as a 32-bit application in C++ for high speed. Speed of operation and ease of use were major design criteria. Input area supports virtually unlimited (over 64,000 characters) command size. Features include:
SimpleMU |
Zugg’s MUD Client (cMUD) | This sophisticated GUI client supports multiple character windows (multiplaying), aliases, triggers with complex pattern matching, macro keys, variables, speed walking, automatic map generation, equipment database, graphical buttons, extensive built-in and user-defined functions, ANSI color, VT100 support, word wrapping, alarms, and online help. It is fully customizable and 90 percent compatible with TinTin++ clients. Compatible with proxy servers and firewalls, Windows 95, 98, and NT. Features include:
BeipMU | BeipMU is a fast, compact MUCK/MUSH client for Windows 95/98 and NT. Though small in size, it is packed with powerful features such as:
Cancan95 | Cancan95 is a port to the Win32 API (Windows95 + WindowsNT) by of a unix mud client, which has been under development for some years under different names and by different programmers. It was originally called Cancan but a while ago Massimiliano Ghilardi improved it greatly and renamed it to Powwow. It is the Powwow version 0.8 which is the base for Cancan95. Cancan and all its descendants are in the public domain. What differs Cancan95 from the other Win95 mud clients, is that it is a console application – it runs in a “dos” window – which means you can blow it up to full-screen dos text-mode (alt+return in win95), which scrolls much faster than windows graphics. Some features of Cancan95:
Mudlet | Mudlet is a platform for gaming and enhancing game-play primarily with MUDs. Mudlet provides a toolkit and supports a wide variety of protocols for players and creators to tailor an immersive game-playing experience. MUD creators can use Mudlet to add visual flair or build features into their text games. MUD players can utilize the Mudlet toolkit to script and automate parts of their gameplay or add their own visual customization for game data.Outside the realm of MUD games, Mudlet has even been used to provide automation and features in 3D games which support in-game chat and a Telnet or similar server-console protocols. Key Features