All CCL Applications are closed for the time being. Please check back later or check application open status for different spheres.
Character Restrictions
Crime Info
Law Info: NOPD or FBI
Civil Info
Next Steps
Please remember that your stats need to be explained/justified in your backgrounds, and should bear some relation to the IC age of the PC. Please, no 23 year old M.D. who was a child genius and went to Harvard at age 12. (–tho, believe it or not, we’ve had more than one app like that.)
Knowledges or Talents mentioned are guides only.

Crime Information:
Currently all apps are open for criminals. So you are looking to walk on the wrong side of the tracks in the Crime Sphere? We have openings for Mafia, gang members, or independent/free lancers. We do not accept apps for child molesters. Certain apps such as: psycho killer, serial killer, assassin, will be scrutinized even more carefully than most, so you might want to talk to us before you write the backgrounds. We do not accept PCs under the IC age of 18 in this sphere. Other possibilities include: Drug dealer, cat burglar, pick-pocket, prostitute, thief, con artist. You’re also welcome to come up with your own brand of nefarious behavior. Please remember that this is a role-playing mush, so pure combat PCs will have difficulty being approved

Law Information: NOPD or FBI
Ever thought police work was interesting? Do you like a good mystery? Have you wanted battle something greater than yourself? If so, then the NOPD (New Orleans Police Department) or the FBI is for you. ICly, these PCs will be at least 21 and will have had the appropriate training. An FBI Agent will likely be a college graduate, as well as most NOPD personnel beyond the rank of Officer. Law PCs will want dots in some of the following: Alertness, Investigation, Firearms, Search, Interrogation, Dodge, Bureaucracy, Criminology, Forensics, Law, Security.
Other ideas for concepts are: attorneys, public defenders, court officials (stenographers, bailiffs, et al). If you have any concepts that would fit into the law area please +mail the Law/Civil Sphere Lead.

Civil Information:
The city of New Orleans is rich in culture and history. The Civil Sphere is looking for all manners of concepts:
- Hospital (Nurse, Medical Doctors, Psychologists, Paramedics), PCs may want: Science, Medicine, First Aid, Psychology, Forensics, Chemistry.
- Social Workers
- Politicians
- Fire Fighters
- Clerk’s Office Workers
- District Attorney or Judge: These PCs will have a Law degree. Dots may include: Law, Criminology, Research, Interrogation, Public Speaking.
- and the list goes on and on…

Next Steps
If you’ve found something you like here, think about your concept, and then go through CharGen, write your backgrounds, and set your other information. If you have questions, or want to run your concept by us first, please check out +staff/all to find the Wiz and Admin for Crime, Law and Civil PCs and feel free to contact one of us. We look forward to working with you.